Wait Element
Command Prototype
Command Description
Waits until the element shows or disappears
Parameter Description
- Required Parameter
- objUiElement--The UI element to click. If a string is passed, it is used as a feature string to search for the specified UIElement to click. If an UiElement is passed, the corresponding UI element is clicked
- iType--Whether to wait for the element to show or to disappear
- iTimeOut--Maximum execution time (in milliseconds) of the activity. Throws a SelectorNotFoundException on timeout. Defaults to 10000
- Optional Parameter
- bContinueOnError--Whether to continue even if an error is thrown. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). Defaults to False
- iDelayAfter--Added delay (in milliseconds) after executing the activity. Defaults to 300
- iDelayBefore--Added delay (in milliseconds) before executing the activity. Defaults to 200